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So Mr Asamoah, all that I had been hearing was not just a bad dream or a kind of an expensive  joke, a nightmare that would  pass away when i wake up from my sleep? How could this happen?

Until I saw pictures and videos Bro Kwaku (your brother-in-law) sent to me, a part of me couldn't accept that the last time (a year ago) was the end of your numerous visits to us. I had always refused to accept that I will not see you again. So all that they were saying was true and mine was just a wishful thinking?

You (you and my sister Vida) were supposed to be here shortly before you went to be with our Lord. Onesimus, Melchi and Esther are having a hard time accepting this. They are also short of words and are asking questions I can't answer.

Mr Asamoah, we all miss you a lot and I miss the way you mentioned the "other" name. I also miss how you made jokes about the way our home office is pronounced in French and Dutch. Now I have to accept the hard thought that you are gone forever. But we Christians never say goodbye for the last time. Because when we believe in Jesus Christ, we gain a quality of life that is larger than death. Death becomes not the end of life, but the door into a larger life.

Why do people call our world "the land of the living"? We might better call it "the land of the dying". Our lives are a cruel and bitter move towards death.

But those who have believed in Jesus Christ know that when death comes, we do not pass out of the land of the living but into the land of the living. We are not on our way to death, but on our way to life.That's what it means to be Born Again. That's what it means to have Eternal Life. That's what it means to believe in Jesus Christ. And that's what you did Brother.

May God bless you even in death. Your love and kindness will never be forgotten! Your legacy lingers on. MAY YOU REST IN GOD'S PERFECT PEACE.
Achiaa Oppong-Brenyah Nante Yie; November 24, 2013
Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

May the peace of God that surpass all understanding be with you Auntie Vida, we are praying fervently for you and the entire family in this trying moment, our hearts are heavy.  May God bless and guide you as you prepare to lay your dear husband to rest.  Yesu Ka Wo Ho.  We will meet him on the ressurrection morning.
Lyubov Khustova All I Get are Memories! November 23, 2013

All I get are Memories! 
I lower my hands from the moon and wipe my cheeks. I want you here, yet all I get are memories. I see you everywhere. In the silence, I believe that someday we’ll find something to say. I take comfort in knowing that you may be looking up at this moon just as I am. In one moment, maybe our gaze will meet. Someday time will lose its meaning. It’ll stop and we’ll be carried away like a song upon the wind. Someday I won’t have to look up at the moon and wonder where you are. I would be able to see you under the moonlight, sitting beside me. Someday we’ll have the strength to cross the borderline between us and we’ll meet again.

Right now, his sky may be lit by the smouldering sun. Who is looking at the moon at this moment? Thousands of eyes are looking up at this beautiful object in the sky; so close, yet so far away. The moon blurs before my eyes and I see that day so long ago… “You’re leaving but we’ll see each other again. Remember, nothing can separate us.”
NanaYaa Boakye Ansah Tribute from Nana, Raqell and Noelle November 20, 2013

The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. Isaiah 57:1-2


Mr. Asamoah,

Were you trying to deceive us when you said “Safe journey, see you next year” at the airport? Did you know we will never see you again? Why did you let us leave only for you to leave Antie Vida, Ayeyi and Nana Kwame all by themselves?  Why did you not tell us anything? Please come back, Mr. Asamoah, we miss you!!! You are the best uncle in the whole world.

Our hearts are drenched with utmost sadness. We keep asking ourselves why, why, why……???? Who will meet us at the airport when we arrive? Mr. Asamoah, you told us you will be there for us. Why leave so sudden? Antie Vida and Ayeyi are waiting for you at home. Nana Kwame is waiting for your visit at school. Noelle and Raqell wanted to tell you about their awards. Why can’t we hear your voice anymore? Mr. Asamoah, we miss you deeply!!! Who will take us out, who will pamper us as you did? You know we have nobody to turn to for help and advice.

We are grateful for the love you showed us. You will forever remain in our hearts.  We pray that God keeps you safe, till we meet again.

Death, why is thy sting so painful?

Knowing and being friends for more than 15 years has shown me the true meaning of the saying "a friend in need.......". Mr. Asamoah never discriminated against his kids and mine. He appreciated the little that one did for him. He was a friend that lent an ear to whatever you had to say. Nobody can replace you.

With love from Antie Nana Yaa, Raqell and Noelle.

Mrs Beatrice Otabil Tribute to My Brother and 'Boyfriend' November 8, 2013


I met Kwame Asamoah in London about 16 years ago, a day I still vividly remember. From the very first time I met him, there was no doubt in my mind about what a good man he was! Since then we struck a friendship which lasted and remained intact until his untimely death! Kwame became so close to the family that he eventually became the godfather of our beautiful daughter Beryl and a real dear brother and friend of mine.

In reality, Kwame was better than the brother I never had because he was always there for me. At the time he lived in London, he used to jovially introduce me as his ‘girlfriend’ to his friends. Whenever he came on a visit to our home in London, it was such a privilege to have him around because he and I had a bond of friendship which was unique, special and which we mutually cherished. Kwame was very open and understanding; he had time for everyone and especially for me and we would discuss issues ranging from A to Z and talk, talk, talk!

 In September 2013, which was his last visit to London, he and I walked together to do my weekly shopping at Tesco, a local grocery store. I will always remember what a precious moment that was and cherish the memory forever! ‘Boyfriend’ Kwame was an ardent supporter of Arsenal Football Club. He and my boys would discuss soccer and talk about his favourite Arsenal. He was loyal to my family and he really looked after my mom and my sister when they were in Ghana.  He maintained an open channel of communication with me and made time to call so we could talk at least once a week. Asamoah, my boyfriend, my brother and friend to the family, we will miss you.

We, the Otabil family love you very much and will never forget you! We promise you that Vida, your sweetheart and your two boys will always be part of our family just as we were part of yours. Sleep well boyfriend! We love you!

Mrs. Eunice Armah A Hero Has Taken A Journey... November 8, 2013

Tribute – Mrs. Eunice Armah

"Precious in the sight of The LORD is the death of his saints" Psalm 116:15. 


A hero has taken a journey of no return. Mr. Robert Asamoah-Gyekye has unceremoniously travelled to the spirit world. Though a very good man, he lived just for a short while. Some might say that this gives credence to the saying that, "good people do not live long."  Oh, how I wished a long life for him, but the icy hands of death didn't permit that.  Mr. Asamoah was a man who carried people's burdens as a breast plate, wore it like a garment with a smile on his face, and faced every situation bravely; but could not face his own challenge of death when it came knocking on his door.


Like Job, he was a man whose heart was for God and yearned to do His will, yet God allowed afflictions on him, which led to his demise. I believe it is God's will; else He would have taken away whatever afflictions that came to him and would have saved him from the icy hands of death.  Mr. Asamoah, you will always be remembered for being very principled.


Even though death has taken you away from this physical life, it is not an end but the beginning for you as a believer. It only means leaving this old and wicked world behind and getting to a better place, completing the purpose for which you were made.


'Nante Yie' and May your soul rest in perfect peace.
Vida Asamoah-Gyekye Mrs. November 3, 2013

Tribute to My Dear Husband


Robert Asamoah-Gyekye (Deceased)

"Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come. For those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die" - Isaiah 57: 1 & 2. (New Living Translation, NLT)


My dearest and best friend, the love of my life, my darling husband. Kwame when are you coming home? I have prayed and wished a million times that this was somehow a hoax or a silly joke, that you are not really gone but that you are coming home soon. Time and again I have heard you say, everything will be alright. How can anything be alright without you? Kwame, life is empty without you; the family circle is broken and incomplete without you. Our dreams are shattered without you. The house is hollow without you. Ayeyi is crying for you, Nana Kwame is calling for you. Kwame, when are you coming home? Kwame, this was not the arrangement you and I made. Why did you change our plans? Why did you leave so early? Why did you give no hint of your departure?

Kwame, you and I were supposed to share life together till we both reached a ripe old age, where our walking sticks would be tired and could no longer carry us. Kwame where are you? Kwame, your friends have gathered here for you. They cannot believe you are not coming back. They are all waiting for your gentle smile, your insightful contribution to the discussions and for your valuable input. Kwame, we all need answers! Sunday is a day of worship, a day holy and sacred but you left us for eternity and our tears cannot dry. Kwame I miss you, when are you coming back home? Surely, LIFE IS NOT FAIR!

Kwame, your life on earth was short but fruitful. It has seen you work so hard from childhood, through your teenage years, through the hard school years until you went overseas to complete your professional courses. You worked so hard and with dedication acquired and achieved so many academic and professional milestones. Kwame, you didn’t do all these for yourself. Your self-sacrificing spirit is there for all to see. When you started working, your first penny went to sacrificially help others get some comfort, your second penny went to sacrificially help others get lifted up from their hardships, your third penny went to sacrificially help the stranger you did not even know and your last penny went to sacrificially help all those whom the Lord brought your way! Kwame, your sacrificial and selfless devotion to others is an indisputable testament for all to see. My darling Kwame, you were kind, you were generous, you were humble, you were gentle and your puritan work ethic and impeccable reputation preceded you wherever you went. Kwame, you were an indefatigable pace-setter. You embodied the very essence of integrity and never deviated from your Godly principles. Surely, LIFE IS NOT FAIR!

Kwame, from the very day we first met, you and I have cried together when there was sorrow, we have laughed together when there was joy, we have walked hand in hand through problems and now where are you? You never truly enjoyed the fruit of your labor but all of a sudden you have left me all by myself while you have gone to a better place of no pain, no sorrow, no envy and no jealousy! You have left to be in the bosom of God the Father, “across the bridge where there is no more sorrow, across the bridge where there is no more pain” A deep, inexplicable pain has been left behind for us here, trying to figure it all out because we cannot understand it at all! Kwame, I feel lonely and hurt, I remain broken and I am caught up in the pain of your loss. I am attempting to reach the bottom of my mind in the hope that I will get to the answer but no matter how hard I try; I keep reaching towards it in a never-ending fall. Kwame, I cannot comprehend why God allowed it, but I know He knows best and I can only say ‘Nante yie’ till we meet again. I miss you and I love you!


Vida Asamoah-Gyekye

Nana Kwame Asamoah-Gyekye Mr November 3, 2013

Tribute from Nana Kwame Asamoah-Gyekye

(Letter to My Daddy)


Dear Daddy,


Every time the sad news of your death hits me, (and it has hit me a million times), I cry and can’t stop weeping. My mind cannot fully understand it and I am not sure if it is a dream or if it is real. I am sometimes full of regrets, daddy, for not whole-heartedly embracing all that you always told me when you were alive. I now realize that you will not be there to guide me anymore, the way you always did and I really miss you. Be assured that I kept everything you told me and will never forget the power of your example. I will surely abide by them. Thank you for being the shining example you were to me in every way, daddy. You were there for me even when I made mistakes; you were always there looking and thinking of ways to make my present and future life better and easier. Thank you for showing and instilling in me the value of hard work. Thank you for showing me the value of humility and self-sacrifice. Thank you for sharing whatever you had with whoever had a need. Thank you for always choosing to be wronged rather than wrong someone. Thank you for your shinning smile which was shared with all who came your way. Thank you for showing me that great leadership starts and ends with humility and servanthood. Thank you for the calmness you consistently exhibited even in the midst of hostility and provocation. Thank you for being the embodiment of the perfect gentleman everyone must aspire to be. Above all thank you for your love for the Lord and for the saints in His Church. You instilled in me the value of trusting in the Lord and not in my own strength. Daddy, thank you for everything. I will work hard in order to grow up to be like you! Dear daddy, God be with you till we meet again.

From your Loving Son,

Nana Kwame


Ayeyi Asamoah-Gyekye Mr November 3, 2013
Daddy, Hey Daddy, Mama told me not too long ago that you have gone and you are not coming back home. I don't fully understand what she means by that because I am still a toddler and my developing, little mind cannot comprehend what she is talking about. Is mama saying that I am not going to see you ever again? Why would you do that to me and not come back home? You know how much I enjoyed sitting on your lap. You know how much I loved and enjoyed all the treats and goodies you bought for me. You know how much I craved your attention especially when I saw that you were busy, but that didn't bother me. All I wanted was you and you understood and showered me with love and attention. Daddy, you know one of my favorite spots was to be carried by you so that I could see your face up close. I want you to come back home if possible. I want to show you the pictures I draw at school. I want to show you how hard I will work at school and also how quickly I will grow to be your height. I want to make you proud of me daddy. I want to grow to become like you: loving, kind, compassionate, hard working and above all God-fearing. I was hoping you would be there to see me accomplish all these things but mama tells me you are not coming back home. Surely, life is not fair and I want you to come back. I love you daddy and hope one day to grow up to be like you. I keep telling myself that God is lucky to have you in Heaven because everybody tells me you were so nice and I know that myself, because I experienced it! I wish God had not allowed you to be taken away from me so quickly because I have been left confused and crying. Hopefully, I will understand it better when I grow up because that is what mama says. Good bye daddy. Rest you well in Heaven till we meet again. I love you daddy and will never forget you.

From your loving son,

Robert & Rose Kwarteng Mr & Mrs November 3, 2013


Robert & Rose Kwarteng

And I heard a voice from Heaven saying, "Write this down: Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they are blessed indeed, for they will rest from their hard work; for their good deeds follow them!" Rev 14:13 (New Living Translation NLT)

‘Odupon bi atutu’ meaning a giant tree has fallen, is one of the many inadequate ways to describe Mr. Robert Asamoah-Gyekye. The indescribable pain of his death, the deep sense of loss, the anguish of his separation from family and friends, the heartache of helplessness and the agony of hopelessness which has engulfed us are enormous.

In every language, words sometimes have an uncanny way of escaping and hiding at an opportune time of need. This happens when words cannot be effectively put together to express emotion, thought or feelings in a way that sufficiently reflects or defines what one might wish to say. This is where we find ourselves at this point in time. For us, Mr. Asamoah is the brother God gave us from a different mother. He became not just a loving and respectable brother-in-law but also a friend, a trustworthy pillar of stability, reliability, and strength of character! Mr. Asamoah, please tell us who will handle our enquiries, ran our errands and provide the support we need while we remain in the diaspora?

Mr. Robert Asamoah-Gyekye was the soft-spoken gentleman of faith and conviction, the unassuming young man full of innovative ideas, the kindest person one could ever meet, and he is no more! Mr. Asamoah was the embodiment of humility, a puritan work ethic, self-sacrifice and utmost self-respect. He was the hard-working gentleman who gave his all in everything he did to the last atom of his strength! He was the gentleman whose thoughts were so pure such that he helped everyone without any ulterior motives! He was the peaceful guy in the room who would “do nobody no harm”! Yes, he was the level-headed gentleman of exemplary dedication and enviable character, who understood what it means to compromise for the sake of peace and he is no more! Mr. Asamoah was not interested in personal comfort or self-aggrandizement. He was not interested in seeking his own; he was simply interested in the welfare of others and ensuring that their needs were always taken care of ahead of his own. His belief was that, “there is no exercise better for the heart than reaching out and lifting people” He reached out to everyone and helped everyone! Yes, everyone! His subordinates saw in him a boss who reached out to them without lording it over them.

During his visits, Mr. Asamoah made the kids feel like a king with his queens as he spoiled them with pure love and generosity! They mourn with us and will not be consoled. You’ve touched many lives both in life and in death. Our love for you will never end. Mr Asamoah, Nante Yie! Nyame nfa wonsie yie!

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